Wednesday 23 January 2013

Boots Haul: Hydraluron and Haircare

So I popped into Boots today when I was supposed to be banking in town - whoops! It never ends well for my bank balance when I enter Boots, especially now my local is stocking Hydraluron *screams*!!!

I have been squeeeeeeeezing my tube of Hydraluron to death for a while now so it was about time that I picked up a new tube. I stopped using it for a little while when I noticed it was running out, wanting to save it for when I really needed it. Truth is, I need this stuff everyday. When I started to get extremely dry skin last week due to the weather, this little bad boy was slathered on before bed and when I woke up my skin was so soft, supple and plump - really plump. I think sometimes it takes going without a product for a while to really appreciate and know for certain that it works - and this stuff WORKS! I cannot sing it's praises enough, *sings*.

Then I picked up some much needed haircare products as my hair has not been behaving itself what so ever for the last few days, it's been really dry on the ends and fluffy - ergh! The 3 for 2 promotions in Boots always suck me in so I ended up getting six items. 

I picked up the Lee Stafford Blinding Brunette Conditioner for natural or coloured brunette hair, as I dye it to keep it glossy and bright, so I thought this conditioner will help to keep it really chocolatey.

I also picked up the James Brown Rich Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner as I need some hydration in my hair, desperately!

I also picked up two Umberto Giannini products - The Glam Hair Backcomb in a Bottle and the Glam Hair Princess Purrfect Hot Styler Spray. I got these because both my heat defence spray and texturising spray are on their way out. I also got my favourite leave-in cream that I use for styling my hair - the Toni & Guy Prep Leave In Conditioner, this really makes a difference to how smooth and sleek my hair is when I'm blowdrying and straightening it. It's nice to be able to keep the hair moisturised and hydrated without having to wash the product out. 


What are your recent beauty buys?

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