Monday 16 July 2012

Review: Illamasqua Eyebrow Cake in Thunder

So, I recently SPLURGED in Selfridges on a shopping spree with my Mum (post before) and I just have to review this product I picked up while I was mooching around the counters in the make-up department. 

I usually look into products A LOT before I buy them, because I do buy a lot of high end products, and I want to be sure that they will be perfect for me for the £££ that they cost. However, with this one I just briefly looked at a few reviews on MakeUpAlley, and then decided to just visit the Illamasqua counter when I was there. Yes! Illamasqua - the product of amazing amazing make-up artist Alex Box (Creative Director of Illamasqua). 

I have loved Alex since year 11 when I delved into her book by Rankin - if you love make-up I really recommend you get your hands on this book, its not just ordinary make-up - its incredible!! She can make humans look like animals, SERIOUSLY. I actually used her as my inspiration/artist link for my final piece in which I painted Grace Coddington (watch The September Issue if you don't know who she is!) as a lion. I was very proud of the piece and Alex's inspiration was incredible. 

Anyway, enough about that and onto the product...

I picked up the Illamasqua Brow Cake in the shade 'Thunder' from the counter and a lovely girl helped my find my shade - having said this she BUTCHERED my eyebrows into a state of over-defined catastrophe forcing me to smile and say 'That's great I like it' when all I was thinking was 'Bitch butchered my eyebrows!' I then proceeded to rub them off as best as I could throughout the day to save me looking like a drag queen. Haha! I am very particular and I mean very particular when it comes to my eyebrows, and I am the only person who has ever tweezed, plucked or shaped them - they are my babies. Not to worry, the girl's handy-work was not permanent and the shade was absolutely perfect!

I had previously been using Espresso eyeshadow by Mac to fill in my eyebrows, and while I thought it was doing the job, this shade matches me better than any eyebrow powder I have ever used and it the most perfect shade for my ashy/brown eyebrows. I must say, having the correct shade makes the world of difference to your brows!!! It makes shaping, filling and applying the powder 10x easier and gives you a much more natural finish. 

The shade itself is a medium-brown colour in the packaging, but works with the ashiness of my brows to neutralise them and bring out the brown - my hair is brown so having taupe coloured eyebrows is going to look quite bizzare! 

Illamasqua Brow Cake in 'Thunder'
The texture of the product is velvety and not too powdery, it goes on like a dream and I apply it with my Mac 208 angled eyebrow brush, feathering the strokes so I get a natural finish. 

This product is BY FAR the best thing I have ever put near my eyebrows and I will repurchase this time and time again until something better crops up on the market! 

If you have quite sparse brows like me and you are looking for a product that will fill them in and look like you have lovely natural and bushy brows, Illamasqua Brow Cake is a winner!

My eyebrows filled in with the Brow Cake

A VERY tired Chloe taking one for the team and photographing herself with one sparse brow and one full brow - look at the bags!!!!!!!!!

Ugh.....haha - but look at that eyebrow!

So thats the Brow Cake! Retails for £14.50 and can be purchased at any Illamasqua counter or online here.

More make-up posts soon as I have a lot to review!
Comment & follow if you liked this post!

Chloe x

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